Hannah seems to have discovered at new skill…one that is funny yet slightly disturbing. For the last few days, she has developed what I can only describe as a ‘Renfield laugh’. And not just any Renfield…but the Peter MacNicol Renfield from Dracula: Dead and Loving It. I haven’t watched that since before I was pregnant, so I have no idea where she picked it up at.
I figured that she would have lost interest in it by now, but now she knows that it creeps everyone out so she keeps it up. She’ll sit on the floor watching something on TV, usually Yo Gabba Gabba or Little Bear, and out of no where will start doing it. She’ll also do while playing with the lion mirror in her crib. She even did it at random people in the store. It should be really interesting at the doctors office tomorrow.
I’m going to try to video her doing it tomorrow and put it up. Who knows, maybe she’ll on Studio B. She’d be very happy, being that she loves watching Shep.
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