The last few days have been crazy. Jason actually got a few of his days off, so we spent much of them running around getting stuff done. Hannah finally figured out how to walk around in her walkie car/ship thing as has been tearing around the kitchen yelling ‘zoom, zoom, zoom’. She taken a liking to taking stuff out of the dishwasher imediatly after I put it in the rack.
Late last night, the intake pipe to our water heater broke and we came close to having the kitchen and dinning room flooded out. Apparently the pipe has been leaking for quite some time, causing some of the
flooring to sink…a lot. It also created a bit of a hole. All the water ended up running under the house. The pipes were fixed this moring, but at some point we are going to have to replace the heater and fix the floor. We’d do it this weekend, but something else has come up, or in this case come down.
The rain gutter on the back of the house has finialy decided to fall off, taking what’s left of the wood with it. It’s going to be an extensive fix being that the majority of the wood is rotten. We need to do something with it by Sunday since there is a possibility of rain and I cercanily do not want the cealing coming down in the dining room.
So…everything has been crazy and will probaly get more so by the end of the weekend. Bleh….
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