I was excited to try out the BrytonPic, being that I absolutely hate flossing. I had hopes that it would make it easier and faster to do. It works….but the cons of this product far outweigh the pros.
The BrytonPic is essentially a thin, yet sturdy, piece of foil with a coating of plastic covering the middle. They are reusable for 30 days. The foil is flexible and it does easily slide in between your teeth. However, you are using foil…as in metal. It is sharp and will easily cut your gums no matter how careful you are. It even nicked my lip while I was trying to reach back teeth, which leads to the next problem. While the foil ends are flexible, the pic as a whole is not. The length and shape make it impossible to reach back teeth. All I managed to do was tear up my mouth.
The other major flaw with the pic is that it doesn’t really remove any plack. The foil with loosen it, but since it is a smother surface, the plack doesn’t stick to it. Your lucky to get a bit of a smear. I ended up having to go back and use regular floss.
The shipping time is also a big problem. After waiting all of November for the pick to come in the mail, I tried to contact the promotions manager through the BrytonPic website. After waiting over a week for a response, I contacted someone at Tomoson. He had me send an email to BrytonPic through the Tomoson message system. A few days passed and I finally received a reply stating that a new one was shipped and on it’s way. That message came on December 9th. When the pic finally arrived on Christmas Eve, the date stamp said the 20th. There is really no excuse for that. That’s just poor customer service.
Overall, I was extremely disappointed in the BrytonPick, give all the hype they seem to be getting (see website). It’s good if you have something large stuck in between your teeth, but that’s about it. They are also grotesquely overpriced: 12 for $20 or 36 for $54. If you are interested in trying it for yourself, you can order them at the BrytonPic website.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. All opinions are 100% my own.
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