Hannah got her first taste of a candy cane the other day while we were all out shopping at Wal-Mart (blegh…we can never escape that place). One of the ‘product tester/sampler’ ladies was handing them out and gave one to her. Hannah imediatly stuck it in her mouth and starting gnawing on it.
I figured she wouldn’t be able to get the plastic off of it, but I was wrong. She got enought off of the end that it was getting wet, and leaving trails of blue and red all over her face. Jason decided to take a little of the wrapping off so she ‘could get a taste’. Hannah loved it and was enjoying it untill she started trying to chew it.
I took it away from her at that point so she didn’t choke on it and she threw a big fit. It took a while to get all the coloring off her face, and even then it stained around her mouth. So, she spent the rest of the shopping trip looking like a pint-sized Joker.
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