A few weeks ago, I was sent a UV Light. It’s a blacklight flashlight that you can use to find pet stains, ‘people stains’ in hotel rooms, or any other marks that you wouldn’t normally be able to see.
The UV light is the size of a small flashlight and has a very bright beam. I tried it out in my kitchen first. I didn’t see much aside from the areas around the cupboard handles and where I hadn’t cleaned the stove up. There were several spots on the floor that showed up where there were old paint stains. It showed up red and freaked me out at first until I realized what they were.
The big test came when were went on vacation. We rented a condo down in Port Aransas. We weren’t overlay impressed with the place because they misrepresented it a bit on the site. That first evening, I decided to run the UV light around in the kitchen. Unfortunately, it lit up like a Christmas tree…so I am assuming that the staff doesn’t really clean it up too good between renters. We scrubbed everything down as much as possible the next morning and left it at that.
Overall, the UL Light is a great thing. Just don’t be surprised what shows up in hotel rooms or condos. The light is sold on Amazon for $14.87 (+ shipping). You can find out more about UV Sight by visiting their website.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
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